
SummerSquashandWinterSquash.Cucumbers.Okra.Eggplant....Seriously?Yes.Theyallhaveseeds...oraseed,whichmakesthemafruit,botanicallyspeaking.,WhatisSquash?“Squash”isatermusedtorefertoagroupofvegetableplantsinthegourdfamily.They'realsoknownasCucurbitaceae.,Squashesareakindofvegetable.TheyareoriginallyfromtheAmericas.Gourdsareinthesamefamilyassquashes.Pumpkinsandzucchini(courgette)aretypes ...,Fromy...

Veggies That Are Actually Fruits

Summer Squash and Winter Squash. Cucumbers. Okra. Eggplant. ... Seriously? Yes. They all have seeds...or a seed, which makes them a fruit, botanically speaking.

40 Different Types of Squash [from A-Z]

What is Squash? “Squash” is a term used to refer to a group of vegetable plants in the gourd family. They're also known as Cucurbitaceae.

Squash (plant)

Squashes are a kind of vegetable. They are originally from the Americas. Gourds are in the same family as squashes. Pumpkins and zucchini (courgette) are types ...

16 Types of Squash — And the Best Ways to Use Them

From yellow squash to butternut squash to kabocha squash, you've probably noticed more than a few types of squash at your local farmers market or grocery store.

20 types of squash

Discover some of the most popular types of winter and summer squash. We've also included cooking suggestions, from roasted squash to comforting soups.

Definition, Summer Squash, Winter Squash, Examples, & Facts

squash, (genus Cucurbita), genus of flowering plants in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) , many of which are widely cultivated as vegetables and for livestock feed. Squashes are native to the New World, where they were cultivated by indigenous people

Squash Vegetable Pictures, Images and Stock Photos

Browse 433,200+ squash vegetable stock photos and images available, or search for butternut squash vegetable soup or squash vegetable garden to find more great ...

How to grow Squash

Squashes are grown in a similar way, thriving in rich soil, with lots of sun and regular watering. They are usually started from seed indoors in spring.

20 Different Types of Squash for the Winter and Summer

Winter squashes include varieties like acorn squash, spaghetti squash, and (everyone's fall-time favorite) pumpkin.

Health Benefits of Squash

Find out what nutrients are in squash and discover how it can help with everything from eye health to skin quality.